Ning’an drone takes action to prevent rice diseases and pests

Recently, in Jiangnan Township, Ning’an City, Heilongjiang Province, unmanned aerial vehicles circled over rice and corn fields, and the mist sprayed by pesticides was fine and evenly distributed on the leaves.

We are currently conducting pesticide spraying operations to prevent post disaster pests and diseases. There are multiple unmanned aerial vehicles operating in multiple locations above Ning’an City, “Li Shengjun, Deputy Director of Mudanjiang Agricultural Technology Promotion Center, told reporters. In early August of this year, Ning’an City suffered several heavy rainfall of varying degrees, causing varying degrees of damage to crops. In order to reduce losses in a timely manner and prevent the occurrence of post disaster diseases and pests, the Ning’an Agricultural Technology Promotion Center has formulated measures to restore agricultural production and promote crop growth as soon as possible.

For waterlogged crops, timely drainage should be carried out. Diesel equipment should be used to pump water in deep water areas, and trenching should be used in areas with less waterlogging. According to Li Shengjun, prolonged accumulation of water in crops can lead to delayed ripening or fertilization of crops. In the face of such a situation, timely “field investigation” should be carried out to achieve “early detection and early treatment”. Spraying leaf fertilizer on such crops by drones can promote crop growth and effectively reduce agricultural losses.

For waterlogged crops, timely drainage should be carried out. Diesel equipment should be used to pump water in deep water areas, and trenching should be used in areas with less waterlogging. According to Li Shengjun, prolonged accumulation of water in crops can lead to delayed ripening or fertilization of crops. In the face of such a situation, timely “field investigation” should be carried out to achieve “early detection and early treatment”. Spraying leaf fertilizer on such crops by drones can promote crop growth and effectively reduce agricultural losses.



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