Is there money to be made in drone medicine services?

图片[1]-Is there money to be made in drone medicine services?-msoen

Drone plant protection is an inevitable trend, especially in mountainous and hilly areas. If we want to use technology to assist agriculture, drone spraying will definitely be necessary in the future. For example, Gannan navel oranges in Ganzhou are sprayed 20 to 30 times a year, with almost no off-season. The price of flight defense operations is around 20-30 yuan per acre. Assuming a daily operation of 50 acres and 20 days per month, a drone can operate for 20 yuan * 50 acres * 20 days=20000 yuan per month. Of course, the actual situation will definitely not be ideal. If you want to engage in this industry, there are many factors to consider. Below, everyone will introduce and combine their own abilities to see if they can take advantage of the situation1: Mode exploration (customer resources)【 Agricultural material store+flight prevention service 】: This model is currently relatively good, and is more suitable for people with agricultural material stores to do flight prevention services[New Media+Flight Prevention Service]: This model also has opportunities and is more suitable for large teams, such as businesses around Ganzhou City. If the county is the unit, it is recommended to use new media as a supplement【 Own Orchard+Fly Defense Service 】: If you have an orchard and purchased a drone, you also want to help others with medication and make money in your spare time. It is recommended to collaborate with a large team on a part-time or rental basisSummary: There are roughly three types of people (agricultural material store type, individual planting unit type, and technology investment type). Currently, combining agricultural materials can achieve stable transformation; Individual farmers who lack customers can cooperate with agricultural material stores; Investment oriented (wealthy and optimistic big bosses) can develop into big clients and target high-end products2: Exploration of Flight Defense Technology (Product Resources)The core of flying defense technology is that effectiveness is the king. Currently, many fruit farmers and owners are in a wait-and-see state, but some controllable factors can be solved【 Reduce explosion machine 】: Explosion machine is the last thing that plant protection and flight prevention want to see, related to work experience; It is related to the level of understanding; Related to terrain, I will share an experience on how to reduce aircraft explosions in the future【 Flight parameters 】: The parameters are not fixed and are related to the age of the tree; Planting sparse density; Terrain; Pruning; Work style; Drug resistance and other related factors, make more comparisons and cooperate with speed; Height; Amount per mu, etc【 Pesticide Technology 】: Drones can cause relatively low pesticide damage, but if mixed with the wrong medicine, it can also cause pesticide damage. Learning technical knowledge about pesticides is essential【 Hand Flying Technology 】: Most orchards are located in complex mountainous and hilly terrain, and some terrains cannot be independently flown by drones, which may require manual flight. Hand flying technology requires a lot of experience and requires flying skills; Visual deviation; Sense of body direction; Smooth remote sensing and other technologies3: Cost Exploration (Cost Resources)【 Reduce machine explosion 】: Will there be many troubles, maintenance and transportation costs, when the machine is exploded during operation? Delaying customer homework costs? Do you still need to find a way to solve the problem after preparing the medication? My own mood is not good, and even losing customers and other issues are caused by the explosion of the machine. Personally, it is recommended to prepare some vulnerable parts if conditions permit[Personnel Cost]: For small teams, there are no personnel costs. To be honest, it is difficult to have a standard level for the performance of pilots, travel expenses, and base salary of large teams. It is too low for pilots to have enthusiasm, and too high for bosses to make money. I think it still requires the boss’s personal charm, dimensionality reduction, PUA, and pancake to maintain this new trend industry in development and exploration【 Transportation cost 】: It is necessary to be close to the surrounding area, not only for transportation, but also for meals, accommodation, etc. This cost is significant, even at a loss[Equipment cost]: A drone is about 60000 yuan, and the flight defense team is far more than 60000 yuan, with generators; truck; Electric wires; Water pump; Medicine bucket; Accessories; Insurance; Base station fees, etc[Efficiency Cost]: Those who have done fruit tree flight prevention know that the efficiency of the operation varies, which directly affects profits. I believe it is necessary to screen customers, as beginners often take orders as soon as they come. This is the core reason why they cannot continue. Several key factors in screening customers are orchard signals; Orchard distance; There are not many wires; Number of mu; Takeoff point planning; The water and electricity intake at the takeoff point is inconvenient; The situation of miscellaneous trees around fruit trees, etc. In the future, I will share a summary of fruit tree flight prevention experience and data4: Marketing Exploration (Communication Resources)Whether or not to promote plant protection and flight prevention depends on the customer’s willingness to repurchase. In fact, most of it is related to communication. Assuming that you have a good effect and the orchard owner has a large number of acres, they consider purchasing their own machines to reduce their costs. This also has a significant impact on communication. Assuming that your effect is not ideal, practice has proven that we will never come to us for medication as we imagine. The core factor is communication, I really like this sentence: Everyone has seen the trend here. This market is currently in a stage of savage growth, and any market needs to go through a process from savage growth to reasonable standardization. How to communicate can be discussed in private together5: Competing against Threats (Crisis Resources)【 Peer Price War 】: Northern Feifang is a vivid example. What will happen to Fruit Tree Feifang in the future? I don’t know. Currently, this price war is not very prominent, and the main pressure is on agricultural materials to bind Feifang, and even transfer Feifang profits to agricultural materials profits. I think we can reach a consensus with similar Feifang teams nearby, and engaging in price wars is not good for both parties. Or differentiated competition (centered around effective technology or stable services)【 Threat of self purchase 】: The update and iteration of plant protection drones are fast, which may be an advantage of flight defense services, or the cooperation model of renting orchard owners’ equipment can be developed together【 Device Iteration Threat 】: Currently, several brands of plant protection drones release new products almost every year, and the money earned is given to the manufacturer, which is fatal. Therefore, it is recommended that the money invested within a year must be paid back6: SummaryCustomer resources; Technical resources; Control costs; Understanding these four essential aspects of marketing is essential, as the market is large, but don’t be blind. Listening to more of your predecessors can reduce many pitfalls.If you want to learn about fruit tree planting protection and flight prevention, you can contact me to discuss it, and I will share it in the future

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