Plant protection drone, the most beautiful “dancer” in the wheat field

图片[1]-Plant protection drone, the most beautiful “dancer” in the wheat field-msoen
The wind blows the wheat into waves, the cicadas sing and the summer begins to be busy. In this good harvest season, there is another busy figure in the wheat field. It flew across the field like lightning, trailing a long fog-like line behind it, and evenly dropped the drops of medicine on the leaves of the crops. The agricultural plant protection UAV has become the most beautiful “dancer” in the sky over the field. It takes off, advances, hovers, and lands in one go. It can complete the spraying operation on thousands of acres or even tens of thousands of acres of fields in one day, not only allowing farmers to secure their jobs. Firmly hold it in your own hands, and let smart agriculture and large-scale agriculture take root.20200810_008_01_31.jpgEmpower new farmers with technologyFacing the loess and back facing the sky, this is a common impression of traditional agricultural planting. In recent years, many new changes have taken place in the scene of busy farming. New technologies and new equipment have liberated farmers, young and fresh faces have appeared in the fields, and farmers have added new bills.In midsummer, Tian Hongmin from Jinzhou, Liaoning saw that the rice in the field was already 30 centimeters high. It was lush and growing well. After the period of pests and diseases, the harvest of summer grain would definitely not be bad. However, to spray pesticides on such a field, the efficiency of traditional manual spraying is low, the spraying is uneven, and it is easy to cause pesticide poisoning to crops or people. In Fengxin, Jiangxi, 27-year-old Song Min contracted more than 600 mu of dry land to study the cultivation of colored rice, but encountered difficulties in spraying weeds. “Colorful paddy fields require strict weeding, otherwise the color will be affected. In the past, manual spraying could not guarantee complete weeding.”These new farmers recruited pilots. On the edge of the rice fields, the pilots used the wireless remote control device to concentrate on controlling the drone to work according to the preset route. The pesticides were evenly sprayed on the rice seedlings, and the process was completed in less than 10 minutes. Completed the task of spraying pesticides on more than 10 mu of fields. The spraying of plant protection drones can achieve precise dispensing, and the long-distance remote control operation avoids the danger of exposing workers to pesticides and improves the safety of spraying operations. According to statistics, drone spraying can save at least 50% of pesticide usage and 90% of water consumption, greatly reducing resource costs. Compared with traditional manual spraying, the work efficiency of each plant protection drone is equivalent to 60 laborers, and can spray 700 to 900 acres of farmland every day, which greatly saves labor and increases farmers’ economic benefits.After the introduction of artificial intelligence and remote sensing technology, under the combination of strong forces, plant protection drones have shown their talents in plant protection surveying and mapping. In the past, plant protection surveying and mapping required manual marking. When encountering paddy fields, it was even necessary to “cross the river” barefoot with muddy legs, which was labor-intensive and inefficient. After a lot of exploration, Jifei Technology used its database to create the first domestic agricultural intelligence engine – XAI. The engine can accurately identify the boundaries and areas of farmland, and new farmers can purchase production materials based on this to avoid waste of agricultural materials. It is understood that XAI has realized various applications such as intelligent obstacle identification, fruit tree positioning identification, plant statistics, weed identification, cotton boll opening identification, and partial crop identification. There are many links to help the further development of smart agriculture.Extreme operation becomes a realityAs the saying goes, people depend on food. Food is the most basic means of survival for human beings, and agriculture is the basic industry that supports the construction and development of the national economy. In the past, we often depended on the sky for our food. The addition of agricultural drones has broken through the limitations of weather, topography, etc., making the fields of hope more hopeful.Ruoergai Grassland, located in Hongyuan County, Aba Prefecture, Sichuan Province, is more than 3,600 meters above sea level. Due to perennial grazing, the grassland has begun to degenerate. In addition to the shortage of local labor force, the efficiency of traditional manual re-seeding of grass seeds is low, making it difficult to timely re-seed on the vast grassland. Seriously restricted the local development. In April 2019, Jifei Technology and the Hongyuan County Government jointly established the first “Tibetan Flying Defense Team” in the country to carry out grass seed reseeding operations on degraded grasslands, allowing local herdsmen to achieve a well-off life through ecological restoration. The agricultural UAV is equipped with the high-speed airflow live broadcast technology of the intelligent sowing system, which can realize the sowing of grass seeds, and can overcome the extreme challenges of plateau low pressure and strong wind, and solve the problems caused by the low efficiency of artificial grass seed re-seeding and uneven sowing. At the same time, Jifei UAV can automatically identify areas with weak grassland growth by establishing an AI prescription map, and carry out fully autonomous and accurate supplementary broadcasting according to the prescription map. According to the operation test of China Agricultural Mechanization Association, its production efficiency is about 50 times that of manual labor.The same scene also happened in Tibet. Tibet belongs to the alpine region of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Due to its special geographical location, long sunshine hours, large temperature difference between day and night, thin air, and high altitude, it is quite different from other regions in terms of agricultural production and operating mechanisms. Highland barley, which is the main grain of the Tibetan people, has grown to 2 million mu here, accounting for 80% of the total grain planting area. However, the annual incidence of diseases and insect pests in highland barley exceeds 60%, and more than half of the plots require integrated pest control. On May 14, 2019, the DJI T20 plant protection aircraft officially “flyed” into the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. While improving operational efficiency, it has achieved water conservation, reduced use of chemicals and increased efficiency, reduced production and increased production, thereby reducing damage to the environment and helping Sustainable development of green agriculture and natural environment in Tibetan areas.20200810_008_01_36.jpgmy country has a vast territory, but the per capita arable land ranks far behind other countries. Stable jobs and guarding the granary were once a big problem for “Tianzi No. 1”. According to incomplete statistics, my country has 1.5 billion mu of saline-alkali land, of which 200 million mu has the potential to be transformed into farmland. Rational development and utilization of these saline-alkali land resources, turning hundreds of millions of acres of barren beaches into granaries, is of great significance to ensuring food security in our country and promoting sustainable agricultural development. In June of this year, the national sea rice joint transplanting activity organized by the academician Yuan Longping’s sea rice team was launched in various places. On Tieli’s saline-alkali land, drones loaded with more than 10 kilograms of seeds shuttled back and forth to sow seeds in the field. According to the set flight path, seawater rice seeds were evenly scattered into the farmland. In less than 1 minute, the drone has completed the sowing operation of 1 mu of land.In addition, technologies such as night operations and fully autonomous flight of plant protection drones are being launched one by one, bringing more disruptive changes to traditional agricultural production methods.Inject new impetus into “big agriculture”In 1918, the United States used airplanes to spray pesticides on cotton for the first time. In the 1980s, the development of Japanese plant protection drones had already begun. In 2000, Beijing Yichuangji Technology Co., Ltd. successively imported 6 Japanese Yamaha YAMAHA-R50 plant protection drones from Japan for pesticide spraying. In December 2005, when Yamaha was preparing to export the 10th aircraft of the same type to Beijing Biweiyi Company, it was detained by Nagoya Customs. From 2005 to 2006, scientific research institutions such as China Agricultural University, China Agricultural Mechanization Research Institute, and Nanjing Agricultural Mechanization Research Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture began to propose projects to the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Education and other relevant departments for the development of plant protection drones.At that time, China’s agriculture was undergoing a huge transformation, and the level of mechanization was constantly improving. Plowing and harvesting had been largely automated, but the level of mechanization in management was still relatively low. Because it involves complex tasks such as fertilization, spraying, weeding, and irrigation, it is difficult to replace human labor with a single machine. After paying attention to these problems, DJI and Jifei began to try to use unmanned technology to change agriculture.Today, Jifei Technology’s agricultural drones have spread across 42 countries and regions around the world, providing services for various crops and natural environments. According to statistics, from January 2017 to December 2019, Jifei has reduced the use of pesticides by 22,100 tons and the waste of water resources by 5.09 million tons for the world, realizing the protection of the earth with technology.Since the beginning of this year, the locust plague that started in East Africa has spread to East Africa, West Asia, and South Asia, affecting more than 10 countries including Kenya, Ethiopia, Iran, Yemen, India, and Pakistan, becoming the worst locust plague in the past 20 years, with tens of millions of people food security is threatened. In Pu’er City, Yunnan Province on the border between China and Laos, according to statistics in early July, more than 80,000 mu of forest land and nearly 20,000 mu of farmland were infested by the yellow-ridged bamboo locust, and it has a tendency to spread to surrounding counties. The local area urgently dispatched 15 DJI T-series plant protection drones and 20 pilots to carry out pest control operations in mountainous areas with an average drop of 200 meters. “You can see the effect in 30 minutes, and the yellow-spine bamboo locust will start to be poisoned and fall.” Said the pilot who carried out the mission.As early as February, DJI took the lead in releasing the UAV locust control technical plan (in Chinese and English), and provided the technical plan to relevant departments and experts in Pakistan and other countries. On July 23, in the Pakistani embassy in Beijing, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China officially donated 12 DJI T16 plant protection drones to the Ministry of National Food Security and Research of Pakistan as aid materials to help the local fight against locust plagues and protect food security .According to DJI, the T16 plant protection drone delivered this time is the first batch of plant protection drones to land in Pakistan. This represents that China’s most cutting-edge intelligent agricultural equipment is entering countries along the Belt and Road in the form of international friendly assistance to help local agriculture continue to increase productivity. From importing high-end agricultural machinery to plant protection drones leading intelligent agricultural equipment to the world, China’s agricultural equipment industry is embarking on a new path of development with unique Chinese characteristics.
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