Minhou: Drones spray pesticides for 10 minutes, up to one person per day

Recently, the Minhou County Association for Science and Technology, the County Agriculture and Rural Bureau, in conjunction with leading agricultural enterprises in the county, as well as experts and professors from the Plant Protection College of Fujian A&F University, have been busy promoting drone intelligent plant protection technology to the local olive and citrus growers in Baisha Town, in order to help increase agricultural income.

Minhou County is the hometown of olives in China, with olive planting area ranking among the top in the country, and Baisha Navel Orange 52 is also one of the important agricultural brand products in the county. From April to May every year, various olive and citrus trees planted in the hilly areas along the river begin to experience frequent outbreaks of diseases and pests. We spray pesticides ourselves or invite workers to spray, and we can only spray 10 acres of land all day. It’s not only very tiring but also inefficient, “said citrus grower Lian Changhai. Artificial spraying of pesticides to kill pests requires a lot of manpower and resources, and it can easily cause pesticides to exceed the standard. This” big problem “has troubled local growers for many years.

During the promotion process, technical personnel from the Minhou County Science and Technology Association and the County Agriculture and Rural Bureau controlled plant protection drones filled with pesticides to shuttle back and forth along the trapezoidal slopes, spraying pesticides in a mist accurately on the crops. In just ten minutes, the drone completed the pesticide spraying task on 10 acres of olive trees.

By leveraging the role of leading agricultural enterprises in the county, we will not only provide planters with drones and other plant protection equipment, but also provide them with socialized agricultural production hosting services and customized professional smart plant protection plans. “Lan Meiyun, the head of the Plant Protection and Inspection Station of Minhou County Agriculture and Rural Bureau, said that farmers can only achieve a utilization rate of about 45% when using conventional equipment to spray pesticides, and a single person can only complete pesticide spraying on 10 acres of land per day. By using unmanned aerial vehicle intelligent plant protection technology, the utilization rate of medicinal liquid can be increased to over 90%, and a single machine can spray more than 150 acres of land per day.



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