Yunmeng: “Crop Guardian” Drones Achieve Great Achievements in High Yield and Harvest

On April 10th, Hu Zhiyong, a pilot from the Jinyuanye Plant Protection Professional Cooperative in Yunmeng County, operated a drone to carry out wheat “one spray and three defenses” in Qiunei Village, Chengguan Town. Drones have high pesticide spraying efficiency and good prevention effect, saving labor, medicine, time, and water. They are welcomed and loved by farmers and are known as “crop guardians”.

According to Hu Jiahong, the head of the Jinyuanye Plant Protection Professional Cooperative in Yunmeng County, the cooperative sent five teams of people and seven drones to carry out drone defense operations in Hujindian Town, Chengguan Town, Wuluo Town, Shahe Township, and other places on that day. Each drone can operate around 500 acres of land per day.

At present, there are 28 agricultural drones in Yunmeng County, which can provide services such as pesticide spraying, seed fertilizer aerial seeding, and shrimp pond feeding. During the peak season, the daily service area is around 10000 acres, which has made great contributions to agricultural production and has become the “protective god” of agricultural yield and harvest.



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