Manas: Technology Empowers New Farmers with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

A year of beautiful scenery, watching spring plowing, full of harvest waiting for autumn. In order to ensure high grain yield and harvest, Manas County has recently actively organized intelligent drones to invest in winter wheat spring management work, making intelligent agricultural machinery the main force of spring plowing agricultural production and helping to “fly” rural revitalization.

In the wheat field of Guan Wutang, a villager in Taxihe Village, Baojiadian Town, two drones from Jinmantian Plant Protection and Flight Prevention Professional Cooperative are shuttling back and forth in the field, spraying foliar fertilizer. Compared with manual fertilization, drones have the characteristics of high efficiency, low cost, uniform and dense spraying, and have become a good assistant for farmers’ field management.

Guan Wutang, a villager from Taxihe Village in Baojiadian Town, said, “This year we planted 500 acres of winter wheat. Now we use drones to spray high-efficiency fertilizers with high accuracy, uniform spraying, and fast spraying speed, which has saved us costs. With this new drone technology, we are confident in a fruitful harvest

In recent years, Manas County has relied on cooperatives to gather human resources, advanced technology and other production factors, further playing a leading role in science and technology, and promoting the widespread promotion and application of smart agricultural machinery. At present, the county has more than 100 plant protection drones, and the management of agricultural fields is shifting towards technology and intelligence. Drones have become a good assistant for increasing agricultural efficiency and farmers’ income.

Luo Zhipeng, the person in charge of Jinmantian Plant Protection and Flight Prevention Professional Cooperative, said, “Since the beginning of spring, the operating area has been around 77000 acres, and the profit has reached around 100000 yuan. In the later stage, we will mainly provide pest and disease prevention measures for crops such as corn, spring wheat, and winter wheat, as well as nutrients and insecticides on cotton. It is expected that there will be around 400000 acres of land in autumn

In the future, the Jinmantian Plant Protection and Flight Prevention Professional Cooperative will continue to apply new technologies and machinery to achieve the transformation of agricultural production from “mechanization” to “intelligence” and from “extensive” to “precision”, and to assist in the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas.



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