Drone “Hui” Farming

Taking off, spraying, landing… Nowadays, “flying airplanes” to cultivate land and “smart farms” are becoming the daily routine of new farmers. From traditional manual labor to technological innovation, from following to leading, many young people choose to contribute their youth to the field of hope. He Yangzheng, a young entrepreneur born in the 1990s in Songjiang and the chairman of Shanghai Tushibao Agricultural Professional Cooperative, is one of the representatives. Through new technologies, platforms, and concepts, he injects “new vitality” into traditional agriculture and paints a modern and digital agricultural picture.

Smart farms paint a new picture of rural industries, and agricultural digitization is also a new business form. As a young person, I hope to explore digital agriculture and attract young people and technological talents to join modern agriculture, solving the problem of rural labor shortage, “He Yangyang said in an interview with the Youth Daily reporter.

At first, farmers did not understand the effectiveness of drone plant protection, making it difficult to promote it. As the first batch of farmers applied technology to agriculture and achieved results, more and more local farmers realized the benefits of technology for agriculture, and the use of agricultural drones increased

In front of the rice planting area of Shanghai Tushibao Agricultural Professional Cooperative, a reporter from Youth Daily observed that with the buzzing of the rotor, an unmanned agricultural plant protection machine flew into the sky. The unmanned plant protection machine followed the previously set route and flew at a constant speed over the rice fields that needed fertilization, spreading the fertilizer evenly, greatly reducing labor costs.

Utilize field land to train farmers’ skills and quickly transform new technologies and skills into the productivity of modern agriculture. When the reporter asked how they initially thought of gradually replacing manual labor with drones, He Yangyang recalled: I am a local from Xinbang Town, Songjiang. In 2017, the country proposed a rural revitalization strategy, so in 2018, I chose to return to my hometown to start a business. College students need to take a differentiated path when starting a business. Faced with the current situation of insufficient rural labor force, we initially thought of forming a team of agricultural unmanned plant protection machines, hoping to replace manual labor and improve production efficiency through technological and digital means. At that time, it was only the initial stage of digitization, but now We are building a smart farm.



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