Unmanned aerial vehicles integrated into thousands of industries

If, due to the innovative development of artificial intelligence technology, new products and formats emerge endlessly, then drones must truly live up to their name. As a rising star in technology, drones have laid a solid foundation in civilian fields such as public security, emergency response, power, surveying and mapping, express delivery, agriculture, etc., thanks to their advantages of fast response speed, small space limitations, and strong rescue capabilities. Data shows that as of 2022, the annual output value of China’s civil drone industry has exceeded 100 billion yuan. According to Frost&Sullivan data, it is estimated that the size of China’s drone market will reach approximately 150 billion yuan in 2024.

Unmanned aerial vehicles not only have great potential in the civilian field, but also have gradually become a new combat force in the military field. In recent years, China has basically established a military unmanned aerial vehicle equipment system for long, medium, short, and ultra short ranges, with diversified and multi specification military unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, integrated reconnaissance and strike drones, unmanned attack aircraft, etc., providing important guarantees for China’s national defense and security. In November 2022, Major General Yin Wei, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Air Force, stated in a media interview that the Chinese Air Force is paying high attention to the use and development of drones, and drones are the main direction for the future development of air force equipment.

In the future, with the construction of a national network power, a digital China, and a new infrastructure for smart government, the drone industry will undoubtedly enter an explosive period, continuously contributing to the construction of a manufacturing power.




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