5G technology and networked drones sound the innovative rallying call

Innovation is the first driving force behind the development of drones. Only by adhering to technological innovation and fully leveraging the technological advantages of drones can we better support the dream of becoming a strong aviation country in the new era. As the darling of the new era, drones are inseparable from the continuous iteration and innovation of products.

Behind the “dazzling technology” of drones in the air is the continuous empowerment of the new generation of information and communication technology represented by 5G. With the deep integration of 5G and drone technology, the networked drone industry has made breakthrough progress. The cross-border integration of 5G and drones has created networked drones. 5G technology has revolutionized the original capabilities of drones, endowing them with real-time high-definition transmission, real-time online, remote fine control, flight data security, and other capabilities. The 5G connected drone terminal and ground control terminal both transmit data and control instructions through the 5G network, and load various scenarios of applications through business servers, truly realizing the vision of real-time linkage between heaven, earth and air. Thanks to the innovation of upstream technology, the application of drone industry in downstream has also become artificial intelligence, and multiple scenarios such as intelligent security and navigation have achieved intelligent application construction.

How does 5G technology empower the drone industry? What are the future expectations for 5G connected drones? How can the drone industry expand and deepen its application in fields such as intelligent navigation and intelligent security? What is the direction of industrial innovation and development for navigation drones during the 14th Five Year Plan period? The 2023 International UAV Application and Prevention Conference will hold two major summits simultaneously, namely the UAV Innovation Technology and Industrial Development Forum and the China Smart Navigation and UAV Industry Innovation Forum. In these two peak forum banquets, perhaps you can find the answer!



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