Mianzhu, Sichuan: Plant Protection Drones “Fly” into Fields and Fields

At present, it is the period of wheat flowering and heading, which is also a period of high incidence of diseases and pests. Mianzhu City, Sichuan Province, vigorously promotes drones to help pest control, so that plant protection drones can “fly” to the fields and become good “plant protectors”, and fully protect food security.

At 9 o’clock on March 29th, at the wheat planting base of Yinfeng Planting Cooperative in Shidi Town, a plant protection drone was conducting flight defense operations under the control of Luo Qiang. A series of “medicinal mists” descended from the sky and spread evenly over the wheat fields. In less than half a day, over a hundred acres of wheat fields were sprayed.

The use of plant protection drones for unified prevention and control is effective, efficient, and greatly saves time. “Luo Qiang transferred 1000 acres of land to cultivate wheat and rice in the local area, requiring a lot of time and manpower during critical field management periods. In 2021, he purchased a plant protection UAV for crop fertilization and pest control, effectively promoting food production and becoming a powerful assistant for agricultural economic development of cooperatives.

Mixing pesticides, placing water pumps, preset sowing areas In Wufang Village, Shidi Town, a UAV shuttled back and forth in the lush wheat fields. The huge airflow under the rotor impelled the pesticide mist flow to disperse evenly, sending “timely rain” for pest control of wheat in spring.

“Today, we organized four plant protection UAVs to carry out wheat pest control in and around Shidi Town, mainly to provide social services to local growers, and solve the problem of controlling scattered fields and rural elderly wheat fields.” Liu Yongsheng, the person in charge of Mianzhu Yincheng Plant Protection Professional Cooperative, said that compared with traditional manual control, plant protection UAVs can operate an area of 200 mu every day, greatly improving work efficiency, The application of drugs is also more precise. Since mid March this year, the prevention and control area of the cooperative has exceeded 4000 acres. It is expected that the prevention and control area can reach 30000 acres by mid April, which has to some extent driven the mechanization, convenience, and efficiency of regional agriculture.

“At present, the number of plant protection drones in the city has reached more than 120, and pest control has reached nearly 1.3 million mu, accounting for 45% of the total pest control area of the city. We will continue to promote the use of plant protection drone operation technology, to achieve agricultural production and farmers’ income.” Zhang Guangqing, head of the plant protection station of Mianzhu Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, said that in recent years, Mianzhu City has actively promoted the digital transformation of agriculture, Vigorously promoting the work of “machine farming, machine sowing, machine defense, and machine harvesting” has effectively improved agricultural production efficiency, reduced agricultural operating costs, and empowered industrial revitalization.




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