Qujing and Luliang: Technology Helps Agriculture

At present, it is a critical period for the management of Xiaochun’s crop fields. The Agriculture and Rural Bureau of Luliang County has seized the opportunity to organize agricultural technology training for the staff of various township agricultural and rural comprehensive service centers and various crop growers, in order to stimulate new vitality in the agricultural industry through scientific breeding.

In the sweet bean field of Ayoupu Village Committee’s family farm in Damogu Town, installation, debugging, and takeoff… two plant protection drones carrying evenly mixed medicinal liquid are quickly spraying medicinal liquid in the field according to the predetermined route.

In a short while, the sweet bean fields were covered in flying defense, and after checking the spraying effect, the growers were also full of praise for the drone’s flying defense. Wang Lifen, who had just finished using drone defense, said, “I have 13 acres of sweet beans in my house. Usually, manual spraying takes at least four hours, but using this drone can take up to half an hour. It saves money, time, and effort, and the effect is also good.

Planter Wang Fei is an early local farmer who used drone defense. He was invited to teach other farmers the advantages, precautions, and experience of drone defense. Sometimes due to weather conditions, pesticides have to be sprayed as soon as possible, and the drone’s flight control system has helped me solve this problem very well. Moreover, its spraying effect is also very good. So far, there have been no pests or diseases in my pea and broad bean fields, “said Wang Fei.

According to the drone operator, this type of plant protection drone can operate with just one click by planning the area to be sprayed in advance, and the spraying and fertilization are very uniform, which not only saves labor costs and water resources, but also achieves multiple effects on most crops. Zhao Taolin, the person in charge of Luliang Zhenghe Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., said, “Our fly defense crops can involve flue-cured tobacco, fruit trees, open-air vegetables, etc. Since the beginning of this year, our fly defense area has exceeded 10000 acres.

In addition to drone defense observation, the County Agriculture Bureau also invited experts from the Provincial Department of Agriculture to explain pesticide selection, field fertilization, and soil preparation and sowing to over 200 attendees. After the training, farmers expressed that through this activity, they broadened their horizons, increased their horizons, learned technical experience, and benefited greatly.



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