Wuhan Dengnan Street: drone assisted spring plowing

After spring rain, the temperature rises, which is a crucial period for wheat to control pests and promote growth. Recently, Dengnan Street in Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone has carried out centralized wheat prevention and control work, adopting a drone flight prevention mode and implementing a “one spray multiple effects” operation, laying a solid foundation for summer grain harvest.

In the wheat field of Shuisan Village on Dengnan Street, thick green wheat waves sway with the wind, accompanied by a roar of motors. Unmanned planes loaded with pesticides sweep over from low altitude, evenly spraying the prepared water onto the wheat field. Using drones to spray drugs can have drought and cold resistance effects, as well as timely control of various diseases and pests that occur during wheat growth, “said drone operator Cao Yonggui.

Planter Li Xubao stated that using drones for flight defense is highly efficient, which not only saves time but also costs compared to regular labor. My family has planted 38 acres of wheat, which used to rely on manual spraying, which took three or four days to complete, which was time-consuming and labor-intensive. “Li Xubao said,” Now using drones to spray medicine can complete it in an hour, which is not only fast and effective, but also effectively improves prevention and control efficiency.

It is understood that in order to ensure a high yield and harvest of summer crops, Dengnan Street has launched a total of 5 plant protection drones to carry out all-weather flight prevention work. As of now, the entire street has completed 10025 acres of wheat flight prevention area and 1000 acres of rapeseed flight prevention area. At the same time, in view of the current wheat growth characteristics and existing problems, technical personnel were invited to go into the field in time to explain and guide the villagers on how to use fertilizers, irrigation and watering, fertilization and weeding, pest control, etc., and carefully answer the doubts and problems raised by the villagers, so as to help increase agricultural efficiency and farmers’ income.

The relevant person in charge of the street said that the next step would be to actively carry out agricultural technology guidance and crop control work, strengthen the monitoring and early warning ability, pay close attention to the occurrence and prevalence of wheat scab, carry out crop pest control work in an organized, planned and all-round way, and ensure that “villages do not leak households, households do not leak fields” to ensure stable grain production and increase production.



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