Plant protection drones ensure a bountiful summer harvest

The green wheat fields are endless and growing happily. The plant protection drone is shuttling back and forth above the wheat field, conducting spraying operations, providing strong support for the prevention and control of wheat scab. This is the recent bustling scene in the field of Tongxin Village, Tong’an Town, Suzhou High tech Zone.

“Whether the control of scab is proper or not is related to the quality and yield of wheat.” According to the introduction of the agricultural technicians of the Tong’an Town Agriculture and Forestry Service Center, wheat scab is a typical climatic disease, which is characterized by outbreak, concealment, and short control period. Once the “window period” for control is missed, the wheat yield and quality will decline and the mycotoxins in the grain will exceed the standard, which will directly affect the sales and planting benefits of wheat. The use of plant protection drones for unified prevention and control of wheat is not only fast and effective, but also can effectively improve prevention and control efficiency, promoting wheat production and income.

At present, it is the best time to prevent and control the occurrence of wheat scab during the period from full heading to early flowering of wheat. According to the characteristics of wheat scab that can be prevented, controlled, but not treated, Tong’an Town recently organized a spring agricultural work conference for farmers to focus on preventing and controlling wheat scab as a main task. Agricultural technicians went deep into village groups and fields to guide farmers in scientifically carrying out scab prevention and control work; Concentrated distribution of pesticides, ensuring a good order of pesticide supply, and solidly promoting the action of “seizing grain from pests” to ensure abundant harvest and supply, laying a solid foundation for summer grain harvest.

The relevant person in charge stated that solving the “three rural” issues is the key to the revitalization of rural industries. Tong’an Town continuously promotes the construction of high standard farmland, scientific pest prevention and control training, and new methods of scientific and technological planting, making it easier for farmers and increasing profits for farmers, adding new momentum to rural revitalization, and effectively assisting the high-quality development of agriculture in Tong’an Town.



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