Plant protection drones fly all over the Jianghuai granary

During the critical period of wheat “one spray and three defenses”, the plant protection drone “dances gracefully”, becoming the most eye-catching field scenery in Yinghuai. The reporter learned from the Agriculture and Rural Bureau of Fuyang City that as of April 19th, the first round of wheat scab prevention and control on 7.767 million mu in the city has been basically completed. The city has invested 4117 plant protection drones in flight prevention, accounting for 98% of the total machinery for plant protection, and has basically achieved “full coverage” of flight prevention. Experts from the Agricultural Machinery Development Center of Fuyang City stated that plant protection drones have demonstrated their skills, reflecting the significant improvement in the modernization of agricultural machinery equipment and the mechanization level of agricultural production in Fuyang, which is a “billion yuan Jianghuai granary”.

Plant protection drones are one of the fastest growing agricultural machinery in Fuyang. In 2017, Fuyang took the lead in introducing policies in the province, providing subsidies for agricultural production and operation organizations engaged in plant protection operations to purchase plant protection drones, and accelerating the promotion and application of plant protection drones. In 2022, five years later, a total of 231 plant protection drones were subsidized and added in the city. Since 2023, the number of plant protection drones applying for purchase subsidies has reached 552. However, in 2022, the city will only subsidize the purchase of 56 spray bar spray, which were once the most heavily relied on in spray control and plant protection operations.

With the rapid growth of additions, the amount of plant protection unmanned aerial vehicles in the Fuyang market has increased from the initial 10 liters and 20 liters to the current 50 liters, with an average hourly operation volume of over 100 acres per unit.

Prices are also increasingly benefiting the people. Taking a plant protection drone with a drug loading capacity of 20 liters as an example, the price in 2017 was around 200000 yuan per unit, but now it is only around 50000 yuan. According to current policies, depending on the drug loading capacity, the subsidy amount per unit ranges from 6000 yuan to 12000 yuan, “said Wu Jing, director of the Municipal Agricultural Machinery Development Center.

Wu Jing introduced that in addition to plant protection drones, more and more efficient and intelligent “agricultural machinery large items” such as duplex unmanned tractors and unmanned rice transplanters have been added to Fuyang. In 2022, the city subsidized the purchase of 6 machines, and this year, 58 applications have been accepted, indicating a very clear growth trend. The rapid increase and widespread application of efficient and intelligent agricultural machinery, represented by plant protection drones, highlights the achievements of ‘strengthening agriculture through machinery’, and also indicates that the agricultural machinery and equipment support for agricultural modernization in our city is becoming increasingly solid.



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