The first use of drone “aerial seeding” for Shishi dry rice

Accompanied by buzzing sounds, an agricultural drone carrying upland rice seeds circled above the field. Under the operation of technicians, it shuttled through the field in an orderly “aerial seeding” according to the established route. In just 10 minutes, the planting of 5 acres of land was completed. This is a scene from the on-site demonstration of the full mechanization of dry rice production in Shishi City on the afternoon of April 20th.

At present, it is the busy season for spring plowing and sowing. This year, the Agriculture and Rural Bureau of Shishi City actively promotes modern agricultural machinery, using drones to directly broadcast dry rice seeds for the first time, empowering agricultural production with technology and enhancing food production capacity. Qiu Zhengrong, the person in charge of the Agricultural Comprehensive Service Center in Shishi City, told reporters that drone seeding only requires operators to adjust various parameters such as seed dosage, sowing speed, and flight speed, and then pour the seeds into the sowing box to achieve precise and uniform seeding in the field. This not only effectively improves sowing efficiency, but also saves labor costs.

Compared to traditional rice cultivation, upland rice has advantages such as water saving, labor saving, and time saving. The planting process can be mechanically operated, which is conducive to large-scale planting. It is reported that during the cultivation process of upland rice, the Municipal Agricultural Comprehensive Service Center dispatched professional technical personnel to track and record the growth and pests and diseases of upland rice, ensuring the quality and quantity of upland rice production.



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