Analysis of the current situation of the agricultural industry market in 2023

Digital agriculture is a booster for the transformation and upgrading of traditional agricultural industries, and the development of digital agriculture is an important measure for China’s rural revitalization strategy. In recent years, multiple policies in China have been deployed around “Digital China”, “Rural Revitalization”, and “Digital Countryside”, all of which mention agricultural digitization. Agricultural digitization is not only an important component of Digital China, but also an important way to achieve the overall goal of agricultural and rural modernization as a rural revitalization strategy. The introduction of numerous policies and benefits emphasizes the necessity of digitizing agricultural production, and the current is a great opportunity for China to fully implement digitization of agricultural production.

With the continuous progress of society, China’s agricultural development has shifted from traditional agriculture to new agriculture, and significant achievements have been made in the modernization of agriculture. In the context of the implementation of rural revitalization strategy, the reform of agricultural supply side structure, and the optimization of industrial development structure, the development of modern agricultural industrial parks is one of the important ways to meet the requirements of productivity development. Modern agricultural industrial parks drive the development of regional economy and industries by increasing farmers’ income, thereby further promoting the development of modern agriculture.

The new era is a digital era, where the development of various industries is redefined by data, and agriculture is no exception. Digital agriculture is an important symbol of national agricultural modernization. In recent years, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has vigorously promoted the application of digital technology in agriculture and rural areas, achieving significant results in digitizing the agricultural industry, narrowing the urban-rural digital divide, and developing new industries and formats; Vigorously implement major special projects such as breeding research and development plans, genetic improvement plans, and new variety cultivation, promote the construction of national modern seed industry parks, establish a modern seed industry development fund, encourage and support enterprise research and innovation, and achieve gratifying results in the development of modern seed industry.

In 2022, grain production will increase and a bumper harvest will be achieved throughout the year. The total grain production in China reached 1373.1 billion catties, an increase of 7.4 billion catties or 0.5% compared to the previous year. Grain production has remained stable at over 1.3 trillion catties for 8 consecutive years. In 2022, the country’s grain harvest was once again abundant, providing strong support for stabilizing the macroeconomic situation and maintaining economic operation within a reasonable range. It laid a solid foundation for addressing the complex and severe international environment, overcoming various risks and challenges, and made positive contributions to stabilizing the global grain market and food security.



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