Plant Protection Drones Assist Agricultural Production

Next to a wheat field in Yechang Village, Xiaozhi Town, Pingyin County, two plant protection drones took off one after another under the control of pilots, and in a short while, they flew back and forth.

“The biggest benefit is that it saves labor costs and is highly efficient”, said Liu Henglei, a staff member of Runwo Agricultural Machinery Cooperative in Pingyin County who operates UAVs.

Liu Henglei introduced that wheat in the field is prone to stripe rust during the period from emergence to maturity. The transmission rate of wheat stripe rust is very fast. Under windy conditions, spores carrying hyphae can quickly fly from one leaf to another, spreading rapidly. If encountering strong wind weather, there will be a major outbreak of wheat stripe rust. If drones are used to uniformly apply medicine, the efficiency will be high, and the effectiveness of prevention and control will also increase.

Recently, drones have mainly been used for ‘one spray and three prevention’. Ji Guangtao introduced that ‘one spray and three prevention’ of wheat is a one-time application of pesticides during the wheat heading and filling period, achieving the effects of disease and insect prevention, premature aging prevention, and dry hot wind prevention. The high efficiency of plant protection drones can help complete the ‘one spray and three prevention’ work of wheat with quality and quantity assurance.

Plant protection UAVs can not only work on wheat, but also on corn in the field. Ji Guangtao said that corn is high, so it is difficult to use spray to spray medicine when encountering pests and diseases. Now, after UAVs are available, they can be used to spray medicine to reduce the impact of pests and diseases on corn yield and ensure harvest.



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