Drones’ Leading Role in Preventing Wheat Diseases and Pests

In response to the development trend of continuous rainy weather and the possibility of a major outbreak of wheat scab, Binhuai Town, Binhai County, Yancheng City, has seen the situation early, acted quickly, seized sunny and rainy days, organized and mobilized the entire town’s cadres and masses to seize the opportunity, scientifically coordinate and take the initiative to attack, let drones play the leading role, and do a good job in the “one spray, three prevention” work with the focus on preventing and controlling the “two diseases and one pest” of wheat.

Last autumn, the town planned to sow 165000 acres of wheat, selecting high-quality and lodging resistant wheat varieties such as Xumai series, Ruihua wheat, and Ningmai. Due to timely sowing and strict field management at each stage, the growth of wheat seedlings is balanced. At present, all wheat has entered the heading and flowering period.

In order to seize the best opportunity to prevent and control diseases and pests, and make every effort to achieve a high yield and harvest of wheat, the town promptly held a wheat “two diseases and one pest” prevention and control work conference attended by agricultural line cadres, agricultural technicians, and representatives of major farmers. The focus was on the goal of “unified prevention and control, effective pest control, and reduction of toxins”, and the comprehensive promotion and use of effective drugs.

The agricultural technicians and plant protection personnel of the town divided the village into sections and went deep into the fields. On the one hand, they organized publicity and mobilization, distributed 15000 guidance letters on wheat prevention and control, and posted technical opinions on wheat scab prevention and control on the town village (community) bulletin board. The town village radio and 27 village level mobile broadcast propaganda vehicles toured to promote the guidance knowledge on wheat scab prevention and control, making it a household name; On the other hand, we have vigorously organized and promoted the specialized unified prevention and control of wheat in the entire town, scientifically using prevention and control tools mainly using drones. We have changed household by household prevention and control to village collective unified procurement, dispensing, and prevention and control. This not only avoids manual prevention and control of trampling on wheat seedlings, but also saves costs, accelerates the progress of prevention and control, and improves the effectiveness of prevention and control.



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