Chinese Agricultural Drones Assist Thailand’s Agricultural Development

An agricultural plant protection drone is rapidly shuttling through the farmland in Leyi Province, northeastern Thailand, spraying white pesticides underneath the drone, forming a mist curtain. On the Tianlong, 43 year old pilot Nikong is focused on controlling this drone.

Before 2020, Nikong and his wife worked at a duty-free shop in the Thai capital Bangkok. As the COVID-19 has severely impacted Thailand’s economy, the family’s income has declined sharply, and they decided to quit their jobs and return to their hometown for farming. Before returning home, Nikong purchased a Chinese made agricultural plant protection drone and decided to leverage its expertise in aerial photography to apply the drone to the field of agricultural planting and develop new professions.

In recent years, intelligent machinery represented by plant protection drones has shown great potential in agricultural production. Chinese made agricultural plant protection drones empower local farmers in Thailand and promote more efficient and safe agricultural production.

Agriculture plays a crucial role in Thailand’s economic development, with nearly half of the population engaged in agricultural related work. In recent years, due to the adjustment of agricultural population structure, intensified aging, and increased labor costs, Thailand’s demand for modern agricultural machinery has rapidly increased. In this process, Chinese agricultural plant protection drones have continuously optimized their functions for local core operating scenarios, continuously providing “acceleration” for the development of modern agriculture in Thailand.



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