Jing County: Drone Live Streaming Improves Efficiency

After the grain rain, it is the crucial season for rice seedling cultivation. Under the guidance of “new farmers”, the deep integration of new generation information technology with agriculture and rural areas has given Jingxian’s spring plowing and sowing a strong “technological model”.

Next to the paddy field of Shuangjie Rice Planting Family Farm in Huangcun Town, Zhang Wenjie loaded the rice seeds into the sowing box of the aerial seeder. After setting and adjusting various parameters, with the high-speed rotation of the wings, an unmanned aerial seeder flew and sowed seeds over the leveled field along a predetermined route, carrying out drone rice direct seeding operations, and using modern technology to help improve the efficiency of rice production. As the person in charge of the farm, Zhang Wenjie said, “This kind of operation can be sown on about 5 to 10 acres, and it can take more than ten minutes to complete the sowing of nearly 20 acres of paddy fields. It can work on about 200 acres per day

Compared with traditional sowing methods, rice direct seeding with drones is not limited by terrain, easy to supply, controllable spacing between plants, and can drive seeds into the shallow surface of the soil, resulting in deeper roots, higher germination rate, and strong lodging resistance of rice. Speaking of drone live streaming, Zhang Wenjie immediately opened the conversation: Artificial seeding is not as uniform, but when the drone seeding box does not have any seeds, it will mark a red dot on the route to prove that there are no seeds there. Then, the plane will come back and add the seeds, and there is a waiting point on that program to continue flying. The drone will sow there, but it cannot be done manually, and sometimes it may miss the seeds. Using drone direct seeding has three major advantages. Firstly, it reduces seedling cultivation and planting The seedling stage. Secondly, to save seeds, traditional transplanting requires an average of 7-8 kilograms of seeds per acre, while drone seeding only requires 3.5 kilograms of seeds per acre. The seeding efficiency is higher, and drone live streaming is more than 13 times that of traditional manual live streaming, which saves labor, time, labor, and money. The production efficiency is high, greatly reducing labor intensity

The older generation relied on experience, but now they rely on technology. With the popularization of various advanced agricultural machinery and intelligent agricultural machinery equipment, and the support of various policies that benefit and strengthen agriculture and enrich farmers, Shuangjie Rice Planting Family Farm in Huangcun Town has achieved mechanization throughout the entire process of cultivation, planting, prevention, and harvesting through years of development, achieving a transition from farmers’ “skilled farming” to mechanical “intelligent farming”. With the deepening of food security and the comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization strategy, more and more “new farmers” like Zhang Wenjie have emerged in Jingxian. These “new farmers”, who are different from traditional farmers, are gradually becoming “prosperous farmers” and new forces driving the mechanization of agriculture in the entire county. With new concepts and technologies, they bring infinite hope to the modernization of agriculture in Jingxian.



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