Data, Explore More Potential of Drones

When it comes to drones, do you remember their robust figures in tourism aerial photography and holiday performances? But the use of drones goes far beyond that, and their performance in fields such as modern agriculture, marine pollution control, and rescue is also impressive!

Application in smart agriculture
With the vigorous development of new technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things in China, traditional agriculture, known as “relying on nature for food,” is rapidly transforming into a more precise, efficient, and stable smart agriculture. In many typical cases of smart agriculture, drones are playing an indispensable and crucial role.

With the advantages of low spraying pollution, high drug spraying efficiency, and low labor cost, drones are widely used in smart agriculture, equipped with medicine boxes, spraying equipment, or monitoring equipment to spray pesticides or collect data on farmland. The implementation and promotion of policies such as the “National High Standard Farmland Construction Plan (2021-2030)” and “Fruit Trees Climbing the Mountains, Tengtian Planting Grain” have led to the rapid popularization of agricultural drones not only in the application of flat farmland such as wheat and rice, but also in complex scenes such as hilly and mountainous orchards.

Application in marine pollution control

The ocean covers over 70% of the Earth’s surface and is one of the most precious natural resources, but it is deeply affected by pollution issues. To solve this increasingly serious problem, people have started to use innovative technologies such as drones and artificial intelligence to accurately locate plastic waste and marine organisms (such as jellyfish), and more efficiently control pollution. For example, when a drone identifies plastic waste and marine organisms, it will take high-definition photos or 4K videos of the contaminated hot spot area, helping staff locate and clean up the area faster, reducing resource and manpower waste. At the same time, these data and imaging materials can also be used to analyze the causes of pollution in different regions, thereby providing more long-term and effective solutions for preventing more serious pollution problems.

It is worth emphasizing that data storage devices play an important role in drone acquisition, storage, and data processing. The application scenarios of drones require specialized storage solutions, which not only ensure high durability in complex environments, but also provide higher performance and capacity. For example, a 30 minute, 100mbps 4K video can generate up to 22GB of data, so 4K cameras need to be equipped with larger capacity and high durability microSD ™ Memory card.

Application in disaster rescue

In disaster rescue, time is life! Drones also play an important role in rescuing missing or injured individuals in the wilderness. Due to the slope of the mountains, rescue workers often cannot assess the terrain or the condition of the injured in advance, and can only continuously adjust their plans based on real-time progress after crossing the terrain. And drones simplify these complex steps! Rescue personnel can operate drones to fly over mountains, determine the location of the injured, estimate possible conditions, and draw the best rescue route. The application of drones greatly shortens the time for rescue teams to arrive at the scene and carry out rescue operations, improving the efficiency of saving lives.

At the same time, drones and their equipped cameras can help rescue personnel assess in advance whether the injured person needs to use a helicopter and determine the rescue equipment they need to carry, so that the helicopter can be ready before the rescue team arrives at the location of the injured person. In addition, rescue operations sometimes encounter extreme weather and complex terrain, and drones and their internal components need to cope with the different challenges brought by these factors.

Storage is the key link

Storage solutions, as a crucial part of drone applications, must undergo specialized design and testing to ensure the high reliability and durability required under harsh conditions. Currently, there are large capacity storage cards specifically designed for such scenarios in the market, such as WD Purple SC QD101 microSD memory card from Western Data, equipped with Western Data’s 3D NAND technology, providing multiple capacity options from 32GB to 1TB and ultra-high durability up to 500 P/E cycles, which can be used in the temperature range of -25 ° C to 85 ° C and has moisture resistance, Designed specifically for continuous operation under extreme weather conditions and multiple climatic conditions, it is a great choice for such application scenarios.



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