Drones make agriculture “fly”




Zhang Tao is currently the head of the Shaanxi branch of Guangzhou Jifei Technology Co., Ltd. Five years ago, when Zhang Tao first participated in the Agricultural High School Fair, he was still an audience member. The original intention was just to broaden one’s horizons and learn new technologies. At that time, the “new, unique, and unique” products and technologies in the exhibition area opened his eyes and left a deep impression on him. The scene of farmers rushing to gather in the rain made him feel the farmers’ thirst for new technologies and products. Thus, he made up his mind to engage in agricultural technology services.

This year’s Agricultural High School Fair, Zhang Tao became an exhibitor. He came to the meeting with six types of intelligent agricultural production equipment independently developed by the company. On the morning of October 22nd, in front of the “Jifei Technology” booth in the Qin Chuangyuan exhibition area of the Agricultural High School, Zhang Tao carefully introduced the all-around version of the new “Jifei Agricultural Drone” to visitors.

This is the first time that the ‘Jifei Agricultural Drone’ has participated in the Agricultural High School Fair, “Zhang Tao pointed to a drone model in front of him and told reporters. The ‘Jifei Agricultural Drone’ is equipped with a new Jifei ‘SuperX’ intelligent control system, combined with Jifei Ruitu, Rui Spray, Rui Sow, and can carry a weight of 80 kilograms for basic agricultural production operations such as pesticide spraying, seed sowing, and fish feeding in precise spraying, uniform sowing, and intelligent surveying and mapping, Bringing unprecedented efficiency improvements.

When it comes to agricultural drones, Zhang Tao opened his mouth and said, “At this agricultural high school fair, the company will focus on promoting the ‘V40 2021 agricultural drone’. This type of agricultural drone is cheaper than previous models, with even and efficient sowing of seeds, precise and efficient spraying of pesticides, and each machine also provides a 5000 yuan pesticide subsidy, truly helping farmers achieve easy planting and greatly reducing their planting costs, The company they work for should not only provide farmers with good agricultural technology products, but also teach them product operation techniques to improve planting efficiency.

Speaking of the connection with the Agricultural High School Association, Zhang Tao expressed infinite emotions. When he first visited the Agricultural High School Fair, he had just joined a large agricultural machinery company responsible for promoting agricultural equipment. Due to business reasons, he often has to deal with the farmers. It was this experience that made me clearer than others where farmers’ confusion lies, “said Zhang Tao, who started working on agricultural drones in 2017 and focused on agricultural technology services.

This year, Zhang Tao has devoted almost all his energy to promoting agricultural drones. Previously, I used to sit and wait for farmers to come for consultation. Now, I have changed from passive to proactive and walked into the fields to introduce how to use agricultural drones and improve farmers’ understanding of agricultural drones. “Zhang Tao said, this is exactly the” core “he learned from the Agricultural High School – to make new technologies bring practical benefits to farmers.

As of now, Guangzhou Jifei Technology Co., Ltd. Shaanxi Branch has nearly a hundred farmers’ customers, providing full process services to farmers from providing agricultural drone technology to follow-up and maintenance. This model effectively shortens the distance between agricultural high-tech and farmers, “Zhang Tao said, feeling particularly satisfied as he watched farmers improve planting efficiency through intelligent agricultural technology.


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