Six leading modern agricultural models in the world

Looking at the global trend of agricultural development, almost every country and region is committed to modern agricultural construction. The difference is that developed countries are more focused on seizing the “commanding heights” and striving to continue to lead the trend of world agricultural development, while developing countries are more focused on learning from successful experiences based on their national conditions, striving to accelerate the pace of modern agricultural development and catch up.

American Agriculture: The Big Farm Model

Modern large-scale farms in the United States: a farmer cultivates thousands of acres of land; Spraying pesticides by aircraft; Using genetically modified technology to solve the problem of diseases, pests, and weeds; Planting a single crop in a county or even a state, and then transporting the produced agricultural products across the country and even around the world through long-distance transportation.

In addition, agricultural production in the United States is highly developed and highly competitive. The personnel engaged in agricultural production account for less than 2% of the total population in the country, but they meet the food needs of 300 million Americans and are a major global grain exporter. The reason for this is that the United States has caught the early bus of modern agriculture.

Japanese Agriculture: Fine Agriculture Model

Japan is located in the East Pacific Ocean, surrounded by the sea on all sides, with many mountains and less land, and relatively scattered cultivated land. Similar to agriculture in southern China, it is relatively small in scale. Small agricultural machinery is relatively popular in Japan, with convenient operation and low cost, but it can fully meet the demand.

Since 2003, the Japanese government has been implementing the “Emergency Development Plan for Next Generation Agricultural Machinery”. Vigorously promote 46 kinds of high-performance agricultural machinery, including full-automatic Rice transplanter, driving vegetable cultivator, harvester, infrared dryer, belt packer, pesticide sprayer, etc.

Generally speaking, farmers in Japan are specialized households. Those who grow strawberries grow strawberries, those who grow tomatoes grow tomatoes, and those who grow fresh flowers grow fresh flowers. Generally, farmers only produce 1-2 varieties throughout the year, with a maximum of 3 varieties, and the products produced are almost all commodities, resulting in a very high commodity rate of agricultural products.

German Agriculture: Digital Agriculture Model

As a highly developed industrial country, Germany’s agricultural production efficiency is very high. According to statistics from the German Farmers’ Federation, one farmer in Germany can support 150 people, and in the future, the goal of 300 people is still to be achieved.

This goal requires more systematic and advanced technology and personnel as support, which is the key to the transformation of German agriculture from mechanical agriculture to “digital agriculture”.

Germany has launched a “digital agriculture” solution that can display various production information in real-time on a computer, such as what crops are planted on a certain piece of land, how much light the crops receive, and the distribution of water and fertilizer in the soil. Farmers can optimize production based on this, achieving increased production and income.

Of course, Germany’s basic concept of “digital agriculture” is no different from “Industry 4.0”. Through the application of Big data and cloud technology, the weather, soil, precipitation, temperature, geographical location and other data of a field are uploaded to the cloud, processed on the cloud platform, and then sent the processed data to the intelligent large-scale agricultural machinery to command them to carry out fine operations.

Dutch Agriculture: High tech Agricultural Model

The Netherlands, with a land area of 41864 Square kilometre, is only half of Chongqing in China. However, the export volume of agricultural products and food products of this small European country reached US $29.28 billion, second only to the United States and France, with the total import and export volume ranking third in the world and the Balance of trade ranking first in the world. Flower production ranks first in the world, with an annual export of approximately 5 billion euros, accounting for 43% of the world market.

Some experts in the industry also pointed out that Japan is a precision agriculture, the United States is a large-scale Precision agriculture, and Israel is a high-tech agriculture with water-saving irrigation technology leading the world.

Looking back 70 years, in the 1950s, with the strong support of the government, Dutch agriculture began its vigorous development path. After more than half a century of development and sedimentation, it has formed the current high-tech agricultural landscape, mainly reflected in glass greenhouse agriculture, horticulture and flowers, biological prevention and control technology, electronic information technology, and other aspects.

We also found that in terms of environmental control for glass greenhouses in the Netherlands, all automated controls have been implemented, including lighting systems, heating systems, liquid fertilizer irrigation and fertilization systems, carbon dioxide replenishment devices, and mechanized harvesting and monitoring systems. The comprehensive automation of glass greenhouses, coupled with advanced knowledge and technology, produces highly productive and high-quality crops, and produces agricultural products that are also exported to other countries.

Israel: Precision agriculture Model

Israel has very scarce resources, with half of its land being desert and very limited arable land, resulting in a significant shortage of water resources. Israel’s agriculture is very developed, with a relatively high income for farmers, with an average annual income of 18000 US dollars per capita. One agricultural population can support 90100 people. And farmers’ dependence on subsidies is very low.

In addition, there is another data: Israel’s labor productivity is three times that of Japan, 12 times that of China, and 60% that of the United States (including seasonal farm workers). At the same time, the productivity of arable land is the highest in the world, reaching nearly five times that of the United States, which is more than one-third higher than Japan and China, known for their intensive cultivation!

French Agriculture: Cooperative Service Model

France has superior natural climate conditions and is suitable for the growth of various crops. It is the largest agricultural producer in the European Union and the second largest exporter of agricultural and food products in the world. Its agricultural specialization and technological level are in a leading position in the world.

Although the forms of agricultural cooperation organizations in France are diverse and numerous, each organization has a clear functional positioning and carries a semi official color. Due to the flexible form of agricultural cooperative organizations, most of them are on the “front line” of communication with farmers, playing an indispensable role in the development of agriculture in France.

At present, Agricultural cooperative have been integrated into all links of the French agricultural and food industry before, during and after production. They are not only an important part of the French agricultural and food industry, but also play a decisive role in agricultural production, agricultural product processing and circulation, agricultural technology and agricultural machinery promotion, rural socialized services, etc., and play a decisive role in Agricultural education and training, agricultural credit and Crop insurance Farmers’ social insurance and other aspects also play an important role.



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