Chinese Agricultural Drone Sails to Sea: Foreign Farmers Also Benefit

Chinese agricultural drone companies are also competing to go global. There are over 200 manufacturers of plant protection drones in China, and in addition to well-known brands such as DJI and Jifei, many other manufacturers are also trying to attract overseas users through their products. However, according to industry insiders, DJI’s plant protection drones once held the largest market share in the global plant protection drone market. As of September 2022, their cumulative global sales exceeded 200000 units. In the global sales market, the overseas market accounts for 1/3 of Dajiang Agricultural Machinery, with a track covering six continents, covering over 100 countries and regions, and achieving large-scale application in more than 30 countries.

Yes, UAV technology not only opens a new perspective for photographers, firefighters and Lifeguard, but also gives wings to farmers. It is easier and more efficient to spray pesticides and sow chemical fertilizers and seeds. The service targets range from rice, corn, soybeans, wheat and other field crops to coffee, tea, citrus, cotton, sugar cane and other major Cash crop. Behind the global cumulative operating area of over 3 billion acres in Xinjiang, hundreds of millions of agricultural practitioners have benefited. The reasons for the acceptance of these drones vary among countries with vastly different geographical, technological, and economic conditions.

Why is it now widely accepted that “airplane spraying” was once a bit of a gimmick for Chinese farmers? On the one hand, seeing is believing, and more farmers have personally experienced the efficiency and quality of drone defense. On the other hand, concerns have been dispelled. Nowadays, agricultural drones not only have stronger performance, higher stability and reliability, but also have more comprehensive after-sales support. For example, Dajiang Agriculture has increased its after-sales maintenance network in China to 1100, which is undoubtedly a “reassuring pill”.

This successful experience can also be applied to overseas markets. Dajiang Agriculture also follows domestic practices overseas and strives to establish a virtuous business model of sales, after-sales, and training in each region to ensure good pre-sale to after-sales service for local farmers. Dajiang Agriculture stated that channel construction needs to take into account all the services that should be provided to users, and requires the empowerment of distributors. Of course, opening up complex markets in various countries will be more complex, and it is also necessary to consider local culture, customs, and respect local culture, business models, laws and regulations.

In addition, the product has advantages in ease of use, stability, reliability, cost performance and other aspects. Dajiang agricultural UAV has quickly “spread” in some blank markets, becoming the beginning of local Aerial application. For example, Malaysia in Southeast Asia is one of the world’s largest producers and exporters of palm oil, but the prevention and control of diseases and pests by young oil palm trees had to rely on manual labor before; Switzerland in Europe produces approximately 100 million liters of wine annually, but due to the steep mountains and terraces, mechanical operations cannot be used, and grape plantations are mainly manual. The introduction of drones in Xinjiang agriculture has greatly reduced their pest problems, reduced management costs, and increased production.

Agricultural drones have attracted a group of young Chinese people to become “new farmers” in rural areas, and have also affected the lives of many ordinary foreign people. At the beginning of 2021, the second wave of COVID-19 spread in Thailand, and Bangkok’s tourism industry was once again fatally hit. As a tour guide, Khun Yuttichai, a young man born in the 1990s, bought a DJI plant protection drone and returned to his hometown to start flying defense. Unexpectedly, he not only reunited with his family, but also earned much more than working; There is a significant gender gap in employment in Mexico, but the Da Jiang agricultural drone has reduced the dependence on physical strength in agricultural production. Naomi Abigail Hermosillo Arias, a 19-year-old female pilot from Mexico, has won the respect and trust of customers with her technology. In a year, she has accumulated 220 aircraft defense operations, operating over 75000 acres.



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