“Drone” Application Assists the Agricultural Development of Xinmin Town

Recently, the agricultural technicians in Xinmin Town, Da’an District, Zigong City and the third-party socialized service company carried out unified control work against rice stem borer, false smut, rice blast, rice leaf roller, rice planthopper and other diseases and pests in the “medium rice+ratooning rice” base in Baiguochong Village.

The prevention and control work mainly uses drones to apply high-efficiency, low toxicity, and low residue biological pesticides, with an hourly working area of 50-100 acres. Compared with traditional manual spraying, drone spraying can reduce labor by 80%, reduce costs by 30%, and save more than 30% of pesticides. The work efficiency and quality are greatly improved. Plant protection drone flight prevention operations can not only improve the organization of disease and pest prevention and control and the level of food production, but also liberate labor, reduce pesticide use, improve prevention and control effectiveness, reduce agricultural non-point source pollution, and protect the ecological environment.



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