Drone “Driving” and “Smart” Agricultural Exhibition Skills

With the arrival of the summer rainy season in July and August, which is characterized by high temperature, high humidity, and hot rain, the occurrence of various crop diseases and pests will rapidly increase, spread, and spread. In order to effectively prevent and control the occurrence of diseases and pests, and comprehensively consolidate the foundation of food security, Duyun Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has been actively promoting UAV plant protection technology for several days, accurately carrying out Pest control operations, making field management easy, efficient, energy saving and environmental protection, and helping the agricultural industry improve quality and efficiency.

At the rice planting demonstration site in Wenfeng Village, Pinglang Town, Duyun City, the agricultural technicians of the Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs loaded the blended pesticides into the medicine box of the UAV, and then the technicians of Qiannan Prefecture Jifei Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. began to remotely control the takeoff of the UAV. Accompanied by bursts of roaring sound, the drone flew steadily into the spraying area according to the set working route. The spraying head under the fuselage sprayed white atomized pesticides, accurately and evenly spraying them onto every leaf of rice.

On the other hand, at the demonstration site of soybean corn belt compound planting and sorghum planting in Pinglang Village, Pinglang Town, the agricultural technicians of the Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs explained the Pest control knowledge of soybean, corn, sorghum and other major crops to the villagers on the spot, and demonstrated the flight control operations. Mo Hongwu, a villager of Pinglang Village, sighed, “Using drones to spray pesticides for disease and pest control is labor-saving and effective. It’s really very convenient.

“Compared with the traditional manual spray, the plant protection UAV sprays more evenly, with higher efficiency and lower control costs. It can achieve large-scale and standardized operations, and can also reduce the pollution of pesticides on the field environment and crops to ensure crop safety and ecological safety. This time, we have completed more than 500 mu of Pest control pilot operations in Pinglang Village and Wenfeng Village of Pinglang Town.” Qin Anrong, deputy head of plant protection station of Plantation development center of Duyun Agriculture and Rural Bureau, said.

In order to do a good job in crop field management, since May, Duyun Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has organized agricultural technicians to go into the field to check the growth of crops, study the law of disease occurrence, actively carry out technical guidance and training on Pest control, and constantly strengthen technical tracking services, so as to ensure that control information reaches households, technical guidance reaches fields, and control strategies reach people. At the same time, a demonstration of plant protection drone flight prevention will be carried out, radiating and driving the unified prevention and control of crop diseases and pests throughout the city, ensuring stable grain production and increased income throughout the year.




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