Developing Modern Agriculture to Boost Rural Revitalization

At the sixth “Chinese Farmers’ Harvest Festival”, Party committees and governments at all levels should deeply implement the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee, and solidly carry out the work of “agriculture, rural areas, and farmers” in the new era and new journey. The most arduous and arduous task of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country still lies in rural areas. We must persistently prioritize solving the issues related to agriculture, rural areas, and farmers as the top priority of the entire Party’s work, and use the efforts of the entire Party and society to accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas and comprehensively promote rural revitalization.

If agriculture is strong, then the country will be strong. “Agriculture is the foundation of the country, and the foundation is solid and the country is peaceful. The strength of agriculture, the beauty of rural areas, and the wealth of farmers determine the sense of gain and happiness of millions of farmers, as well as the quality of China’s comprehensive well-off society and socialist modernization. To develop rural areas, agriculture must first be developed, and a strong agriculture leads to a strong country. Throughout the history of the development of world powers, in order for a country to truly be strong, it must have strong agricultural support and be free from constraints in terms of food and important agricultural product supply, key core technologies, and industrial supply chains. Developing modern agriculture is a guarantee for building an agricultural powerhouse, an effective measure for promoting rural revitalization, and an important support for a modern powerhouse.

If agriculture is strong, then the country will be strong. “Agriculture is the foundation of the country, and the foundation is solid and the country is peaceful. The strength of agriculture, the beauty of rural areas, and the wealth of farmers determine the sense of gain and happiness of millions of farmers, as well as the quality of China’s comprehensive well-off society and socialist modernization. To develop rural areas, agriculture must first be developed, and a strong agriculture leads to a strong country. Throughout the history of the development of world powers, in order for a country to truly be strong, it must have strong agricultural support and be free from constraints in terms of food and important agricultural product supply, key core technologies, and industrial supply chains. Developing modern agriculture is a guarantee for building an agricultural powerhouse, an effective measure for promoting rural revitalization, and an important support for a modern powerhouse.

Promoting agriculture through technology is the only way to modernize agriculture. We must closely monitor the forefront of world agricultural technology and accelerate the realization of high-level agricultural technology self-reliance and self-improvement. We need to focus on improving the overall effectiveness of the innovation system and solve prominent problems such as fragmentation, low-level duplication, and low conversion rates. We should lead by tackling key agricultural core technologies and guide by industry urgent needs to build an agricultural technology innovation system with clear hierarchy, division of labor and cooperation, and moderate competition. We need to strengthen technological support, deepen the implementation of seed industry revitalization actions, and promote new breakthroughs in key agricultural core technologies in key areas. In some regions, modern agricultural production methods such as family farms are developed based on geographical terrain, fully leveraging local advantages, and jointly developing regional agriculture to increase yields.

Developing modern agriculture is a powerful means to achieve rural revitalization. We must vigorously develop modern agriculture in accordance with the requirements of the central government; Focus on green agricultural development, agricultural mechanization, production standardization, etc; Supported by technology, promote green development of industries and enhance agricultural production capacity. At the same time, we will coordinate the path of rural revitalization, take modern agriculture as the starting point, improve and enhance the greening of industries, branding of products, mechanization of operations, standardization of production, intelligent management, diversification of functions, sustained income increase, and integration of the three industries, to achieve the development goals of rural beauty, strong agriculture, and rich farmers.

A strong country must first strengthen agriculture, and only by strengthening agriculture can the country be strong. We must adhere to the important discourse on the work of “agriculture, rural areas, and farmers” as the guidance, make every effort, focus on rural revitalization, vigorously promote agricultural and rural modernization, focus on comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, concentrate manpower investment, material allocation, and financial security, and solidly promote rural revitalization. On the basis of consolidating food security, we should develop modern agriculture, increase agricultural production capacity, comprehensively promote rural revitalization, and accelerate the construction of an agricultural power.



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