Fish and vegetable coexisting in one water “double harvest”

Raising fish without changing water, planting vegetables without fertilizing. This year, Shen Huinan, a new farmer born in the 1980s in Zhaidian Street, Lucheng District, returned to his hometown to start his own business. He brought back the fish and vegetable symbiosis technology he had learned abroad and built a “fishing field” farm, which not only made it easy to raise fish and grow vegetables, but also achieved a “double income” in one water.

Fish vegetable symbiosis refers to the development of both the vegetable industry and the fish farming industry. Vegetables are watered with water from fish ponds, fully utilizing the nutritional value of fish manure, and vegetable leaves can also be fed to fish. The vegetables grown in this way do not apply fertilizers or pesticides, and are green and pollution-free. The entire production process undergoes cyclic development, which not only improves economic benefits but also saves resources, prevents water pollution, and promotes ecological and environmental protection.

In May of this year, we introduced a fish vegetable symbiosis project with a growth cycle of about 2 months, “Shen Huinan said confidently.” Currently, we have successfully tested a crop of lettuce and celery. Next, we plan to ‘move’ melons and fruits vegetables to hydroponic ponds, add two or three greenhouses, and further promote green organic circular agriculture to better meet market demand

At the same time, the farm further extends the agricultural product industry chain, deeply tapping into the advantages and potential of agricultural resources, planting more than 10 types of fruits and vegetables such as dry land scallions, watermelons, cucumbers, and developing a series of activities such as parent-child interaction, outdoor camping, and research experience, allowing tourists to not only enjoy sightseeing but also experience farming, promoting the transformation and upgrading of ecological agriculture circular planting to modern ecological leisure and sightseeing agriculture, and achieving green and efficient growth.



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