Digital empowerment makes agricultural production more “intelligent”

Real time control of crop growth status in farmland without leaving the house; With a touch of your fingertips, the operation of agricultural machinery is clear at a glance… At Shiping Ecological Agriculture Development Co., Ltd. in Xinhang Town, Guangde City, the widespread application of agricultural digital chemical factories has made “farming” increasingly “intelligent”.

The rice in the 8th field has already collapsed, so we need to arrange a harvester to harvest it first. “It was Lu Jiuling, the person in charge of Shiping Ecological Agriculture Development Co., Ltd., who was speaking. He kept a close eye on the digital agriculture platform, constantly adjusting the monitoring screen, and conducting comprehensive inspections of farmland dynamics.

At present, it is a critical period for autumn harvest and planting, and the application of digital agricultural platforms has played an important role. At this point in the past, we had to go back and forth to check the harvest progress and prepare for the next season of rapeseed planting. Now we only need to open the big screen or check the mobile terminal to achieve remote monitoring. Lu Jiuling introduced to us that the digital agriculture platform system has covered a total of 8 monitoring points on the company’s 800 acre farmland, as well as 5 working harvesters and transplanters, achieving real-time monitoring of various points on the farmland, In order to constantly understand and guide the agricultural production situation. From spring plowing and summer plowing to autumn harvesting and winter storage, the entire process of crop growth can be fully monitored, which not only effectively reduces labor costs, but also lays the foundation for scientific and precise management of farmland and crop cultivation, improving crop yield and quality.

It is not just farmland that has undergone changes. In Guangde, more and more modern agriculture has been equipped with digital “wings”, and the collision between technology and agriculture has sparked “wisdom” sparks.

In the golden autumn season, fertile fields produce gold. Walking into the 10000 acre high mountain tea garden in Jinjilong Village, Xinhang Town, one can only feel the drizzling rain during the stroll. It turned out that the intelligent sprinkler irrigation system integrating water and fertilizer in the tea garden is working. Behind the operation of the intelligent sprinkler irrigation system is a group of big data running errands on the intelligent cloud platform of the Tea Garden Command Center.

Starting from 2021, Jinjilong Village has launched the construction of “Shuzhi Tea Garden”, establishing a tea big data display and interactive platform that includes traceability system, pest detection system, video monitoring, and meteorological environment monitoring. Divide ten thousand acres of tea gardens into countless grids, each covered with intelligent monitoring systems, like “eyes” replacing manual inspection of tea gardens. Automatically collect real-time information 24 hours a day, conduct big data summary and analysis, and convert the analysis results into solutions. This way, the information on tea irrigation and weed control, disease and pest warning, fertilization and pesticide application in each grid is clear at a glance, achieving scientific and accurate water and fertilizer conservation, It has become possible to achieve a balance between water and fertilizer for each piece of land.

By opening the mobile app, we can remotely control the integrated intelligent sprinkler irrigation system for water and fertilizer, achieving 24-hour uninterrupted automatic irrigation and fertilization. “Du Jingkui, Deputy Secretary of the Party General Branch of Jinjilong Village, said that relying on this system, we can save tea gardens up to 3 million yuan in costs annually. With the support of digitization and intelligence, Jinjilong Tea Garden has bid farewell to the history of traditional agriculture relying on nature for food. On the basis of preserving the characteristics of traditional tea, making tea regulation more efficient, tea garden ecology more balanced, and tea quality more guaranteed has greatly promoted the high-quality development of the village level tea industry. In 2023, the fresh tea production in Jinjilong Village reached 450 tons, with a daily trading volume exceeding 5 million yuan and a total output value exceeding 120 million yuan.

Let every grain of rice, fruit, and village contain the driving force of technological development. Nowadays, a large number of digital agriculture such as “digital high standard farmland” and “digital countryside” are emerging like mushrooms after rain, and Guangde Agriculture is sparking a “technological revolution”. As of now, Guangde City has established 2 provincial-level agricultural IoT demonstration points, 2 provincial-level digital agricultural factories, and 7 digital rural agricultural application scenarios.



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