Plant protection spraying drones help crops save money and increase income

Over 3000 mu of sorghum field, the plant protection UAV under the operation of the staff, is shuttling to “fly prevention” operation, with the buzzing rotor rotation sound, mist like liquid medicine is evenly sprinkled into the field. Just an hour has been completed more than 100 mu of sorghum field spraying fertilizer work, in the hot weather for sorghum sent a “timely rain”.

图片[1]-Plant protection spraying drones help crops save money and increase income-msoen

Provide service for local farmers is zhaodong beidahuang general aviation co., LTD., unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) department, the department has four kinds of models, a total of 19 drone unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) for longjiang local farmers plant protection service has been four years, finished 200000 mu field uav eppo homework last year, this year plans to complete 270000 mu. With the development of agricultural modernization, there are more and more large-scale agricultural farmers in Zhaodong City, and the demand for pest control and management is also increasing. The use of plant protection drones for field management has become a new trend, which plays a good role in reducing pesticide usage, improving farmland ecological environment and promoting food safety production. The problems of low coverage density and poor control effect of conventional pesticide application were solved.

“The use of plant protection drones to spray foliaceous fertilizer and insecticide has high uniformity and good atomization effect, avoiding leakage and re-spraying, not only reducing labor costs, but also high operating efficiency. The company will continue to expand the scale of the drone team, improve the flying skills of drones, and better serve our agricultural production in Zhaodong.” Dai Yongzhi, head of UAV Department of Beidahuang General Aviation Co., LTD., said: “The current hot weather, outdoor workers are very hard, and the use of plant protection UAV flying control operations, spraying fertilization is very uniform, not only can effectively control pests and diseases, but also conducive to field management.

Next, the UAV department of Beidahuang General Aviation Co., Ltd. will increase the promotion and application of intelligent unmanned machinery, so as to realize the transformation of agricultural production from mechanization to intelligent, extensive type to accurate type, and truly change the “ability” to “wisdom” farming.

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