Add “wings” to agricultural production and UAV plant



In order to promote modern agricultural machinery technology and improve the socialized service capacity of the town’s rice plant protection, Kangqiao town has recently organized and carried out flying prevention of rice diseases and pests. In the early morning, in the rice field of the farm, farmers and flyers are busy and orderly. The planter placed a water pump, mixed pesticides, and added them to the unmanned seeding box; The pilot checks the field conditions, sets the flight control parameters, and presets the sowing route. Accompanied by the rapid “buzzing” sound, the UAV quickly rotates the propeller, rises from the ground, and flexibly shuttles back and forth in the rice field according to the preset route. The atomized pesticide is sprayed from below the body and evenly sprayed onto the rice field. The downward pressure air flow generated by the rotor makes the drug mist firmly adhere to the crops, leaving no dead corner, fast and efficient. In only half a day, the UAV easily completed the pesticide spraying task of 180 mu of paddy fields. It is reported that the plant protection UAV is an unmanned aircraft used for agricultural and forestry plant protection operations. It is composed of three parts: flight platform, navigation flight control and spraying mechanism. Through ground remote control or navigation flight control, it can spray chemicals, seeds and fertilizers. Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) plant protection is a new technology for crop disease and pest control.

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