Plant protection UAV escorts high yield crops

This is a good time for crop growth and a critical time for pest control. In Xiheyan Village of Gongji Township, Huadian City, the suitable period was actively seized. Plant protection drones were used to control diseases and pests on 570 mu of farmland, and scientific and technological means were used to help field management, so as to promote agricultural efficiency and increase farmers’ income.

Under the control of a professional manipulator, the UAV slowly took off, shuttling back and forth about three meters above the farmland, spraying the pesticide evenly on the leaf surface of the crops, easy and efficient implementation of pesticide spraying task.



“After purchasing the machine, the village invited technical guidance personnel from the manufacturer to conduct field tests and explain the relevant knowledge of UAV operation. Now, the pilot has fully mastered the performance of the UAV and obtained the driver’s license of the UAV, and can skillfully carry out the pesticide spraying work of the UAV. The village currently uses drones to operate a total of 570 mu of farmland, charging more than 4,000 yuan.” Compared with the traditional manual spraying method, the low-altitude operation of UAV can make the leaf surface of crops receive pesticide spraying more evenly, and the control effect is greatly improved. At the same time, it can effectively solve the problem of rural labor shortage.

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