Agricultural drones help revitalize rural areas

Now is the key period of maize pest control, this year Zhang Wenyan village planted nearly 2000 mu of high-yield corn, used to be artificial spraying, half a month time, now with drones, a day can spray the medicine.” Guo Renpeng, secretary of the Party branch of Zhang Wenyan Village, and Chen Tongchao, deputy general manager (presiding officer) of Xingtai Branch of China Telecom, smiled and gave a thumbs-up when talking about the benefits of drone operations.

Compared with the traditional artificial pesticide spraying, UAV spraying has obvious advantages. First, it improves the efficiency. The traditional manual can shoot up to 30 mu of pesticides a day, while the UAV can shoot up to 1,000 mu of pesticides a day. Second, it saves materials, spraying pesticides more evenly in machine operation, covering a wider area, and reducing the use of pesticides by nearly 30%; Third, it is more intelligent. The flight path and speed of the UAV can be adjusted according to the type of plants and the weather. The most important thing is to protect the health of farmers, so that they are not damaged by pesticides, operators only need to take a locator around the field, can automatically generate routes, do quantitative orientation, accurate spraying.

Speaking of the benefits of drones into farmland, Wang Yingjun, a villager in Zhang Wenyan village who has obtained the drone operation certificate, counts his family treasure. “This is a good policy for science and technology to help rural revitalization. China Telecom helps rural revitalization drones, greatly saving time costs and improving our work efficiency. In the future, we should keep learning new technologies, keep up with the pace of The Times, and become a qualified farmer in the new era.” Wang Yingjun said.



Comprehensively promoting rural revitalization and accelerating agricultural modernization is the focus of the country’s work on agriculture, rural areas and farmers. The key to rural revitalization lies in scientific and technological innovation. How to “liberate” farmers from heavy traditional labor patterns and achieve high-quality development of rural industries is crucial to the deep integration of science and technology and industry. As a designated support unit of Xingtai Branch of China Telecom, Zhang Wenyan Village has added scientific and technological “wings” for rural revitalization with the help of agricultural drones funded by telecom, making agricultural drones become “new agricultural tools” in the field. Farmers who used to carry pesticide barrels to spray by hand in the fields have become “flying hands” who operate drones with remote control in the air, carrying out planting tasks efficiently and accurately and improving operation efficiency, which has become an epitome of agricultural modernization.

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