Drones fly defense, technology enables traditional

In the application of UAV industry, plant protection and flight prevention is undoubtedly the most developed field so far. According to the data of the Forward-looking Industry Research Institute, in the civil UAV market in 2020, agriculture, forestry and plant protection UAV accounted for the most, up to 42%, much higher than the proportion of UAV in power inspection, logistics and transportation, security.

“Agricultural plant protection is one of the biggest problems in agricultural production, because the spray insecticide during agricultural production in high temperature season, combined with our country agricultural workers, aging, and risk caused by unreasonable use of pesticide poisoning, future use robot instead of manual operation, realize the man-machine separation, medicine separation, improve efficiency is the main development direction of it.” Professor He Xiongkui, president of UAV System Research Institute of China Agricultural University, Director of the Research Center of Pharmaceutical Equipment and Application Technology of China Agricultural University.

At present, the rapid development of plant protection and flight prevention is also closely following the development trend of agriculture. In addition to the good adaptability of plant protection UAVs to various terrains, the “man-machine separation and man-drug separation” of UAVs can not crush the ground, do not contact with crops, and do not cause damage. These are the advantages of UAVs, and also one of the important reasons for attracting young people to return to the countryside to work.

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