The new stage of China’s spraying UAV system,

In the past National Day, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have undoubtedly shown significant value and charm in assisting traffic, supervising scenic spots, aerial photography and commercial performances. But today’s drones are a result of the industry’s rapid development in recent years. As one of strategic emerging industries, China has made breakthroughs in UAV technology, products, application and market, and achieved impressive results for some time. However, at the same time, the emergence of various problems in the process also rings alarm bells to the industry. In the face of various security problems, talent problems and industry supporting problems, the UAV industry still needs to accelerate ecological construction and strive to tackle key problems, so as to drive to a broader future.



Remarkable achievements have been made in the development of unmanned aerial vehicles in China

According to previous data from the Civil Aviation Administration, more than 9,700 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) companies have registered online to carry out navigation operations, and more than 120,000 commercial UAVs have been registered. At the same time, according to the 2019 China Civil UAV Development Report, the output value of UAV in China has exceeded 50 billion yuan by 2019, and it is expected that the scale of domestic UAV industry will reach about 100 billion yuan by 2023. Considering the above data, it can be seen that since the “13th Five-Year Plan”, the development of UAV in our country has entered a stage of rapid growth, and the market development is constantly achieving remarkable results.

During the period, the continuous favorable factors of policy, capital and enterprise promote the rapid growth of UAV market scale, the rapid breakthrough of key technologies and the expansion and deepening of application fields. The industrial development gradually presents many obvious characteristics. Among them, the more obvious is the rapid rise of civilian drones. When the door of consumer market and industrial market is constantly opened, civil UAV has surpassed the development scale of military UAV in a very short time, and has become the key driving force for the development of UAV industry to achieve new growth.

At the same time, the agglomeration effect of the UAV industry is becoming more and more obvious. On the one hand, there are more and more UAV enterprises around UAV ontology manufacturing, system integration, parts production and consumption services, and high-quality enterprises with specific strength begin to emerge frequently. On the other hand, China’s leading construction of UAV industrial parks has also sprung up like a spring rain. The development of UAV has begun to gather in South China, North China, Central China and other major regions. The industry has been moving from dispersion to agglomeration, and the trend of development clustering and regionalization has become increasingly intensified.

In addition, the application of the industry is also increasingly wide, diverse and in-depth, and the development of related supporting facilities is also increasingly perfect. For example, in terms of application, the application of UAV in aerial photography, leisure and entertainment has been gradually saturated, and the application in logistics, transportation, agricultural plant protection and other industrial fields is rapidly expanding. In terms of supporting facilities, the frequent release of UAV policies, the launch of new UAV occupations, the rise of UAV talent training market, and the development of UAV post-service market have also brought new benefits to the development of the industry.

In the future, there are still three barriers to maturity

In general, the present status and situation of UAV development in China are very gratifying, and the future prospects are worth looking forward to. However, we should not be complacent and overly optimistic. After all, the current because of the unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) industry in China is still in the emerging stage, all sorts of problems exposed in the process of development is also restricted the pace of the industry, including high cost and low permeability, a lack of sustainability, the lack of professional talents, safety accidents, etc., have become a “stumbling block” hindering the development of the industry, we still need to continuously research.

Among them, the first thing we need to break through is the privacy and security issues in UAV applications. In recent years, whether it is hacking, privacy theft, crash wounding, illegal transport… There are many problems caused by imperfect laws and insufficient industry supervision of drones, which not only threaten personal and property safety, but also bring trouble to social stability and development. According to relevant data, only in the disturbance, the annual accident will not be less than three digits, which calls for countries to take measures from the legal supervision.

Second, there is a shortage of drone talent to overcome. According to relevant data, there is a talent gap of 250,000 in 2020, which is not only lacking in the quantity of talents, but also in the quality of talents. In this context, the shortage of talents will not only further amplify various problems in the application, but also hinder the launch of UAV products and the pace of industry development. Anyway, no matter which aspect of the impact, is bound to bring enormous pressure and restrictions to the development of the industry. Based on this, it is necessary for the government and enterprises to strengthen cooperation and improve the personnel training mechanism system.

Finally, the lack of supporting facilities in the industry is another problem that people need to break through. The development of UAV industry is not only ontology technology, but also supporting systems, components and infrastructure facilities. At present, the development of these supporting industries is still in the initial stage, and the development is still unable to keep up with the demand. Meanwhile, in the UAV after-service market, the development of training and education, insurance maintenance, leasing and brokerage has just started, which needs to be further accelerated and improved in the future. In short, for the improvement of supporting facilities in the industry, the government and the industry need to work together to constantly tackle key problems and improve them.



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