Focus on agriculture. What can AI bring to agriculture?



In recent years, artificial intelligence has brought unexpected and rapid development to all aspects of human life. Such as smart homes, driverless cars, smart healthcare… However, have you ever wondered how much power artificial intelligence can exert on agriculture, which has been rooted in human civilization for thousands of years?

At present, artificial intelligence is developed and applied very well in the field of agriculture. Artificial intelligence is bringing new changes and transformations to agriculture.

1. Smart planting

In the past agriculture, people cultivated the land artificially, watered the soil and fertilized it. Now, robots can automatically plant, manage, pick and sort according to the complex geographical environment. On the basis of intelligence and automation, we can judge the soil environment, analyze the market, and speculate whether rice or fruit is suitable for planting here this year.

2. Seed selection and testing

Seed, as the source of agricultural production, its purity and safety testing is an important means to improve the quality of agricultural products. Therefore, the intelligent participation of workers in seed selection and rational analysis ensures the sustainable farming of subsequent crops.

3. Soil irrigation

Artificial intelligence participates in real-time soil monitoring, and strictly controls soil moisture, irrigation cycle and irrigation mode. Improve the utilization rate of water resources, and can accurately ensure the nutritional growth of each plant.

4. Intelligent monitoring system

Soil, as the “mother” of plants, marks how much nutrients can be brought to vegetation, and affects whether vegetation can grow normally. Farmers rely on experience to determine what kind of soil is suitable for growing in front of them, and inexperience leads to a long trial and error period. Now, some agricultural AI-related software can use image-based recognition techniques to help farmers identify soil, pests and diseases, as well as nutrients in their crops. Farmers can easily determine which fertilizers to use to improve harvest quality.

5. Monitoring of crops

In the past, people observed the growth of plants, climate to judge weeding, fertilization and other operational means to ensure sustainable plant growth; Now it is possible to monitor weed and pest problems through AI, collect big data and store it in the database. Through cloud sharing technology, it can help farmers make use of the collected data, provide farmers with judgment basis and make correct operation plans.

6. Intelligent robots

In terms of harvesting crops, robots judge the growth of crops by image recognition technology, accurately judge crops and weeds to reduce cost risks; Use machine learning techniques to accurately apply fertilizer and drugs, improve the utilization of pesticides and fertilizers, and reduce waste. In addition, the intelligent seeding robot can detect the soil information, optimize the seeding density through the algorithm and carry out the seeding.

7. Use drones for data collection

Thanks to highly advanced technology areas such as machine learning and computer vision in artificial intelligence, crop yields can be increased through real-time sensor data and visual analysis data from drones. Drones can provide real-time video surveillance and analyze crop growth patterns. In addition, smart sensors can provide data on water, fertilizer and natural nutrient levels, allowing farmers to better understand the state of their crops.

At present, China’s artificial intelligence and agriculture fields face many challenges. Rural infrastructure construction is not perfect, the level of agricultural technology is in a relatively backward stage, artificial intelligence robot research and development is not mature, the relevant departments still need to infrastructure, technology promotion, intelligent research and development of comprehensive support for agricultural construction, improve the level of agricultural intelligence.

In the future, with the development of artificial intelligence technology and the improvement of rural infrastructure, all intelligent “desserts” will be placed on people’s tables, and people will sing and dance to enjoy the joy brought by artificial intelligence!

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