“Greening in the sky” UAV seeding 255 mu in two days

Uav flight prevention can not only realize human-machine separation, human-drug separation and avoid pesticide poisoning to human body, but also greatly improve efficiency through the form of fully autonomous operation. At present, UAVs have been deeply involved in sowing, fertilization, spraying and other aspects of crops, and the scope of operation has also extended from low-growing crops in the field to high-pole crops and cash crops.




What is the current situation of UAV plant protection and flight prevention? What are the new development trends and trends recently? What are the shortcomings at present? What will it mean to the future of our intelligent agriculture?

Related experts, plant protection teams and important manufacturers in the industry were contacted to get a glimpse of the important role of intelligent products represented by drones in the process of agricultural industrialization and digitalization in the context of rural revitalization.

Make young people willing to go back to the countryside

In the application of UAV industry, plant protection and flight prevention is undoubtedly the most developed field so far. According to the data of the Forward-looking Industry Research Institute, in the civil UAV market in 2020, agriculture, forestry and plant protection UAV accounted for the most, up to 42%, much higher than the proportion of UAV in power inspection, logistics and transportation, security.

“Agricultural plant protection is one of the biggest problems in agricultural production, because the spray insecticide during agricultural production in high temperature season, combined with our country agricultural workers, aging, and risk caused by unreasonable use of pesticide poisoning, future use robot instead of manual operation, realize the man-machine separation, medicine separation, improve efficiency is the main development direction of it.” Professor He Xiongkui, president of UAV System Research Institute of China Agricultural University, Director of the Research Center of Pharmaceutical Equipment and Application Technology of China Agricultural University

At present, the rapid development of plant protection and flight prevention is also closely following the development trend of agriculture. In addition to the good adaptability of plant protection UAVs to various terrains, the “man-machine separation and man-drug separation” of UAVs can not crush the ground, do not contact with crops, and do not cause damage. These are the advantages of UAVs, and also one of the important reasons for attracting young people to return to the countryside to work.

Wang Bingnan, who was born in 1960 and has been working in Xinjiang for many years, believes that UAV plant protection can make young people more favorable to farming. “Now many farmers don’t want to use artificial medicine, and increasingly prefer to use drones, even if it is only three or five mu of land.”

Wang Bingnan had worked as a teacher and a disciplinary cadre before turning to agricultural resources. In 2013, when he visited Korla, a large cotton-growing area, he discovered that people were dying every year from pesticide poisoning. After learning about the situation, he and his friends did market research and found that the business of using drones to remove pesticides instead of human labor has a future. Later, he and his friends set up a company to sell seeds of pesticides and fertilizers, starting from plant protection.

“The emergence of intelligent agricultural production tools such as agricultural drones has gradually changed the production mode of ‘facing the loess with the back to the air’ in the traditional agricultural management link, replacing the traditional dangerous and complicated physical work with high-tech equipment, so that farmers do not have to worry about the hard work of farming.” “Tech co-founder Gong Jiaqin told Tanker.

In his opinion, with the popularization and application of intelligent equipment such as agricultural drones, emerging jobs such as drone pilots and drone instructors have emerged in rural areas, bringing more new and decent career options to rural young people and making them willing to stay in rural areas. More importantly, as the product technology becomes more intelligent and the threshold for using it is lowered, more and more older farmers also begin to use agricultural drones for operations, driven by young people.

“As far as I know, the age of people using agricultural drones now ranges from guys in their 20s to 60-year-old farmers.” Gong Jia Qin said.

Recently, CCTV large industrial documentary “strong foundation” “dream” will report back the story of the young men, one of the protagonist  born in 1996, retired after returning home to join uavs plant protection industry, lead the team through socialization bid this year, won the local county government a level one million mu of wheat TongFang ruling order.

To complete the task within a week, he had to dispatch more than 200 agricultural UAVs to operate at the same time every day, and complete the plant protection task of 100,000 mu.

“During the reign of unified wheat defense, there were more than 100 new farmers like Yan Wenjiong in Anhui, Henan, Shaanxi and other wheat regions. They dispatched tens of thousands of agricultural drones day and night, with tens of thousands of pilots and farmers, to protect the safety of ‘China’s granaries’.” Gong Jia Qin said.

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