Good effect drone, help rice sowing

Over a paddy field in Dongchen village, Xiwu Street, a drone hovers back and forth, scattering rice seeds evenly over the field. More than three hours later, more than 100 mu of rice fields were sown.



“The weather around Qingming Festival is fine, which provides favorable conditions for sowing. We seize the agricultural time and do our best to do a good job in spring ploughing.” Wu Jianghao, head of Ningbo Jinxiao Agricultural Science and Technology Co., LTD., told reporters that the use of UAV seeding, a day can be completed more than 200 mu, compared with the traditional artificial seeding, the efficiency has been improved by more than 10 times.

It is understood that compared with the traditional manual seeding method, the UAV live seeding has the advantages of even sowing, labor saving, cost saving and so on. The high-efficiency seeding method has impressed the farmers who visited the site. “The drone has been bought last year, originally only used for pest control, today saw the live drone, found that the efficiency is very high, we also have to keep up with The Times, good study, do science and technology to strengthen agriculture, machinery to strengthen agriculture.” Wei Jinyou, a large grain farmer in Siwu, is confident about the future of agriculture.

This year Fenghua District plans to plant about 26,000 mu of early rice, mainly in Xiwu, Jiangkou and other areas. The current spring is just right, agriculture is busy, agricultural technology experts also rushed to the field, guide farmers to use the “new weapons”, boost the quality and efficiency of agriculture. “This year, we suggest farmers use drones to broadcast live and use science and technology to help spring farming. The recent good weather has helped farmers seize farmland and promote a bumper harvest.” District agricultural technology service station senior agronomist Wu Xiaojun said.

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