The Difference between Drones

I believe that we have heard of unmanned helicopters and drones, but what is the difference between the two, the following to analyze.



Unmanned helicopter is a kind of scientific instrument used in agriculture, transportation engineering and military science. The take-off weight of the unmanned helicopter can reach 300kg, the effective load can reach 120kg, the endurance time is 3h, and the flat flight speed can reach 100km/h. It can carry out aerial photography and mapping with photoelectric pods. For example, it can carry out logistics transportation with intelligent cargo pods, carry out agricultural and forestry spraying with spraying devices, carry out tracer bombs and jamming bombs for military applications.

Unmanned aircraft referred to as “UAV”, is the use of radio remote control equipment and self-provided program control device to operate manned aircraft, or by the on-board computer completely or intermittently autonomous operation. According to the application field, UAVs can be divided into military and civil.

Drones are hot these days. Let’s talk about the pros and cons of drones. One of the advantages of UAVs is small size and strong flexibility. Police UAVs are small in size and weight. They are not only suitable for carrying out case handling, but also more flexible, with many advantages such as fast maneuver speed and wide monitoring range.

The second is that the control has a wide popularity. In actual use, the operator can install a high-definition camera or mechanical grip on the UAV according to the actual combat needs, which can be completed within 1 minute by a single person, which is suitable for single police to perform the task. Because it is easy to use and control, it can realize full popularization and full coverage of grassroots combat units.

Operating the UAV can quickly reach the designated place to execute the task, and the aerial images can be transmitted to the command center platform and the mobile terminals of the relevant leaders in real time and clearly, providing direct, reliable and fast video image information support for the flat and cross-level command disposal.

There are many advantages of unmanned helicopter, large load, long flight time, good wind resistance, but at the same time professional and technical requirements are high. Helicopters can do most of the things drones can do. At present, the biggest problems in the application of UAVs are wind resistance and endurance. Once the technical conditions are mature, the application scope and frequency of UAVs will be higher due to their lower cost and more convenient use.

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