Spraying drones for pest and disease control


At the Wulie Modern Agriculture Demonstration Park in Dongtai city, workers are using plant protection drones to control rice diseases and pests, laying the foundation for autumn grain harvest

Shiguyuan is a big agricultural township, nearly 7000 mu of land suitable for planting rice, is the most important food production base in the whole Jin Dong. With the gradual popularization of mechanization and the greatly improved level of agricultural science and technology, the area began to use automatic and accurate intelligent agricultural machinery to replace the traditional manual work, standardized farming and large-scale management. As “all-skilled” in sowing, applying medicine and fertilizer, agricultural drones have gradually become a new standard allocation for large grain growers.

“Uavs are efficient! 10 minutes can spray pesticide 15 mu…” Standing in the paddy field full of vitality, the township Xiling Col village rich leader Feng Guoping thumbs up. This year, he took the lead in leasing more than 800 mu of farmland, 400 mu for rice, 200 mu for watermelons and more than 200 mu for sweet potatoes, which are highly sweet. District agricultural departments for the whole area of arable land wasteland and food security attaches great importance, especially in the area of grain large households, irregular arrangement of experts to guide and provide free services.

According to Lei Ganjun, deputy director of the regional Agricultural Commission in charge of grain production, compared with traditional methods, the use of drones to treat pests has several advantages: first, the spraying of pesticides is uniform, which improves the quality of work; Second, mechanical operation, improve the production efficiency, reduce the labor intensity; The third is to reduce labor costs and improve economic benefits. To this end, the District specially organized more than 50 large grain growers to carry out centralized training, and strive to promote scientific planting, efficient planting, in order to ensure regional food security, so that the people “firmly hold the steady hand of rice bowls”.

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